Getting Started

This document will show you how to get up and running with OpenFaceTracker. You will have you own facial recognition system in 10 minutes.

Quick Installation

OpenFaceTracker needs OpenCV3.2 and QT4 installed on your machine, you’ve got two options :

  • If you love compiling libraries by hand, please follow build_oft
  • Installing Opencv and QT using your favorite packaging tool .

Downloading OpenFaceTracker

Our github page is available at .. _OftGithub: , make sure you’re cloning the right repo. OpenFaceTracker-Lib3 is the one under development.

git clone

cd OpenFaceTracker-Lib3

At this step, you’ve got two options :

  • Compiling OFT as a library
  • Compiling OFT as a standalone binary file

Compiling OFT as a library

make lib

Compiling OFT as a standalone binary file

make compil

make binary

Launching process

After compiling Oft, you can execute it using

./openft <options>

Execution Options List

There are lot of options available, here is a list of the main options :

-o <file> Open the file and execute the detection and recognition module
-h Show help and exit
-l Show the list of all available cameras
-x Testing the XML DB
-r Reading from the OFT config
-c Check the environment